Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How Have I Grown in my Knowledge of Global Warming?

I have to say, I have gotten a lot more out of this project that I originally thought that I would. I came into this project thinking that I already knew most of what I end up posting about for global warming and that I would not really learn much more. I was more wrong that I could have known. While the central theme of what I knew about global warming still remains true, I have learned so much more information that has been added to what I already knew and fits perfectly with it. For example, I learned that not only is most of the worst greenhouse gas, water vapor, in the atmosphere because of natural processes, but that most of most of the greenhouse gases naturally occur geocraft. Not only that, but I have learned that natural processes can account for a lot of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! Dr. Spencer

Other ideas that I have expanded on include possible effects of global warming. This includes hurricanes (Hurricane Info), false extreme ideas about effects of global warming (on The Day After Tomorrow), drought, flooding, higher sea levels (More effects), and even the possibility of another little ice age (Little Ice Age info).

I have also learned more about how common sense can help us to understand more about how water vapor can affect global warming so much (Water Vapor Affecting Humidity).

Also in my research, I have found more varying and weird arguments made by those who blame global warming on mankind. Some have tried to argue that the other greenhouse gases have an effect on how much effect water vapor has on global warming, but their theories lack evidence and have some seemingly obvious flaws (skeptical science).

Also, I have learned that there is even more variance in temerature than I originally thought there was (variance), and that there has always been a lot of variance (variance pic).

I have also learned that greenhouse gases are not the only thing that affects temperature (solar effects).

So in my research, I have learned a lot more about global warming that I had thought there was to know. I have also changed the way I think about global warming to a more open way of accepting new ideas because there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle of global warming out there, and it takes more than just one article to put the pieces together.

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