Thursday, October 29, 2009

Water Vapor and Greenhouse Gases

As I said in my introduction, Water Vapor causes more Global Warming than any of the other greenhouse gases. I first heard this fact from a founder of the Environmental Protection Agency. Since then, whenever I have searched for conformation on this, I have seen that any website that is willing to mention water vapor as a greenhouse gas, since it seems like some poeple *cough* Al Gore *cough* do not even mention in their strives to convince people of the effects of Carbon Dioxide. These same sources also show that the vast majority of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (as well as almost every other greenhouse gas) is there by natural causes.

Now there are also those people who say that more and more water is being evaporated into the atmosphere because of increased temperatures made by the greenhouse gases man is emiting and therefore increasing the amount of water vapor and the effects of it in the atmosphere. However, if water vapor is the worst of the greenhouse gases by such a landslide of being 95%, then does it not make sense that water vapor itself contributes to much of the increasing amount of water vapor in the atmosphere? Basically, water vapor itself is causing an increased amount of water vapor more than other greenhouse gases. While I have yet to find a source that agrees with this idea of mine (and i will continue to search for one) it makes sense to me and I cannot think of a way that it is wrong.

Here are my sources where I found information concerning this:

1 comment:

  1. his guy said...

    I have heard the volcano emissions amount to about a decade's worth of human CO2 emissions. I have researched this idea, but I have found mixed answers. Some sources agree that volcanic emissions seemingly out way human emissions; however, other sources say volcano emissions only equal about 1 percent of CO2 emissions. What is your take on this topic and what do you know about it?
    October 11, 2009 7:02 PM
    UltraMega said...

    I find it interesting that water vapor is the most commonly found gas and this is not mentioned by many sources, because 95% is a high amount. On the contrary, is it possible that sources like Al Gore do not mention water vapor because water vapor does not cause heat to be trapped in the atmosphere? May it be important that greenhouse gases like Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Fluorinated Gases are much more capable of causing heat to be trapped in our atmosphere, so even though they are not as vastly present, they are more dangerous? I would find it intriguing if you could find research that gives statistics that show the potency of harm that water vapors have to global warming compared to other greenhouse gases.
    October 11, 2009 8:13 PM
    Iron Man said...

    From the research I have done it is not that water vapor is just more abundant that other gases in the atmosphere, it is that water vapor accounts for approximately 95% of global warming due to greenhouse gases (I realize that I did not make this clear before). I posted 2 sites I looked at at the bottom of this post and I believe the geocraft one explains this but if it doesn't I will be happy to find a better source and do some more explaining myself.
    October 11, 2009 10:02 PM
    this guy said...

    So far from what I have interpreted from your blog is that we barely affect global warming. However, I am curious to know whether or not you think green technology is actually useful. Also, I know your blog is about global warming, but what do you think about the issue of CO2 emission in general? To be more specific, do you believe that even if we aren't the main cause of global, do you think that we are the main cause of pollution in the air or is this not really an issue either?
    October 13, 2009 4:23 PM
    Iron Man said...

    this guy:
    The statement that volcanoes produce more carbon dioxide than humans is a myth according to research I have done.
    October 13, 2009 4:31 PM
    Iron Man said...

    this guy:
    I think green technology is important for two reasons. The first is because here on earth, we have limited resources, such as oil and fossil fuels, however the sun provides an essentially unlimited supply of energy. If we can harness that energy, we will be able to have a steady supply of energy with no threat of losing it as we do now with oil and fossil fuels. The second reason is because I do not like pollution in general. My take is that we need to protect the environment, not destroy it.

    So yes I would say that we are the main cause of pollution (however I do not have data at the moment to back up this claim). I also feel that this is important, which is one reason why I am interested in green technology and am for it.
    October 13, 2009 4:37 PM
